Saturday, May 23

Ideas from Notebook, VI

Sigmund Freud, Sofa King

Hal Woodin and I ventured out to Doylestown – the other end of the earth, as far as Pennsylvania is concerned – traveling through areas of Philadelphia we had never encountered before. The Michener museum was interesting, as was the man for whom it is named, though George Nakashima’s workshop, we discovered upon arrival, was closed for the holiday weekend. Nevertheless…

Book carving, “China Can Say No”; feminism; Anna Kronick (”The Life of Joseph”); World War excesses: where and to whom did they go?; “King Lear” by Barry Johnston; King Lear by William Shakespeare; interconnectivity of words and their meanings; collecting; listmaking; self-referential art; James Michener; poverty, terrorism and ecology; the Order of Magellan; marketing; “The God Delusion”; atheism; Freud; “The World is Flat”; Bob Barsky; Robert Oerter; “The Black Swan”; “A Brief History of Time”.

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