Friday, May 22

Ideas from Notebook, V

Crazy Horse Monument, Black Hills, SD

Viral chatter; bushmeat and poverty; industrialization of American agriculture; luck & happenstance in history; silkmoths and clawed frogs; Hive Collapse Syndrome; Barnes Museum; Hans Rosling; Amy Stewart; Equality Forum; limitations of sight; all matter emits light; gamma ray bursts; Yucatan asteroid; the Big Bang was silent; “Big Crunch”; Dark matter, Dark Energy; unilateral time and space; “becoming unstuck in time” and chrono-concurrency; Crazy Horse’s monument; Grand Canyon: 1000 yrs/in to deposit rock, 1000 yrs/ft to erode it, 5280 feet of depth; Everest, Goddess Mother of the World; Ethnosphere and Biosphere; language as a soul; lingual exogamy; ethnocide vs. genocide.

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